Requirements Template

Introduction to the article, which should be a very short abstract - a paragraph or two at most - which briefly describes what you are going to talk about. If you mention the particular "product" name here (that is, the system or mechanism you're going to talk about the requirements for) then list it in bold text.

You should then finish this section with a separate paragraph that says something like, "In this article we discuss the requirements for this new ??? mechanism, and give a proposal for how this should be implemented.

Table of contents:
  • Background
  • How does it work at the moment?
  • Business requirements
  • Technical specification
  • Outstanding questions
  • Contact information

  • Background

    Provide a background or introduction here, to explain why the system is required. Is it a replacement for an existing solution that no longer works as required, or is insufficient?

    How does it work at the moment?

    It might be useful to provide a section here that describes the existing system (if there is one) so that you can refer back to this later when you discuss your proposed solution.

    Business requirements

    The business requirements from the new system are as follows...

    Technical specification

    Based on the above business requirements it is apparent the following components will make up the new system...

    Outstanding questions

    The following questions need to be resolved before a final proposal can be given...

    Contact information

    Business Sponsor

    Development Team