How To Add AWorking Folder

Add working folders via xml

1. Create a User datasource (UDS)
  <action type="add">
    <datasource size="1" type="9" uid="udsFold"/>
2. Create Folder items linked to the UDS

<Item description="" disp_desc="0" enabled="1" from_pane="0" height="20" left="6" linkto="" right_just="0" tab_order="1" to_pane="0" top="87" type="99" uid="fdContent" visible="1" width="103">
  <Specific caption="Inhalt" val_off="0" val_on="1">
    <databind alias="udsFold" databound="1" table=""/>
<Item description="" disp_desc="0" enabled="1" from_pane="0" height="20" left="84" linkto="" right_just="0" tab_order="2" to_pane="0" top="87" type="99" uid="fdLogist" visible="1" width="103">
  <Specific caption="Logistik" val_off="0" val_on="2">
    <databind alias="udsFold" databound="1" table=""/>

3. Group your folder items (create another "items" section, do NOT use the same one as for items/add)

  <action type="group">
    <Item uid="fdLogist"/>
    <Item uid="fdContent"/>

4. Open the form with "loadBatchAction" and refresh it, otherwise the folders will be invisible until you click on them

Dim oXMLDoc1 As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set oXMLDoc1 = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
oXMLDoc1.Load ("BR_Order.srf")
Form1.goApp.LoadBatchActions oXMLDoc1.xml
Dim oForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
Set oForm = Form1.goApp.Forms.Item("BR_frmOrder")

After that you can handle your folders like it is shown in the VB sample.