NUL | null | NL | new line (or LF, line feed) | DC4 | device control 4 |
SOH | start of heading | VT | vertical tab | NAK | negative acknowledge |
STX | start of text | NP | new page (or FF, form feed) | SYN | synchronous idle |
ETX | end of text | CR | carriage return | ETB | end of transmission block |
EOT | end of transmission | SO | shift out | CAN | cancel |
ENQ | enquiry | SI | shift in | EM | end of medium |
ACK | acknowledge | DLE | data link escape | SUB | substitute |
BEL | bell | DC1 | device control 1 | ESC | escape |
BS | backspace | DC2 | device control 2 | FS | file separator |
TAB | horizontal tab | DC3 | device control 3 | GS | group separator |
RS | record separator | US | unit separator | SP | space |